Question 8: What kind of promotional material or marketing support do you offer your resellers, brand ambassadors, and distributors?
Team CajuBrasil Fitness.
Right: Renata Barbosa (Export Director)
Left: Vinicius Escobar (Executive Representative)
Thales: Let’s say, I’m ready to get started, I like what you have. I want to buy that $1,000 trial order, then how can you support me?
Vinicius: Yeah. Actually, I think this is really a great question because basically the materials we use for our national brand (CajuBrasil), we also share with our international customers. So basically the person is going to receive everything we have – catalog pictures, Instagram posts, so all you have to do is copy and paste what we send you without incurring any additional costs.
Thales: Yes, if I can add everybody out there, you know, I’ve been working in e-commerce in the fashion world for almost 20 years and without a doubt, CajuBrasil stands out by far in terms of marketing support. The quality of imagery in their digital catalogs, PDFs, and online presence is amazing. So it’s material like that it is available to all buyers for free. So that’s one thing I for sure with full confidence can tell everybody that it’s something that differentiates us from many of the hundreds and perhaps thousands of other factories out there. So you have the good amazing market material. So guys and girls, get ready to place your orders now. (laughter).